The Best Books Of 2018 : Cozy Mystery

I read so many cozy mysteries this year that I have decided to make a special list just for the cozies.

Ghost Busting Mystery by Daisy Pettles

ghost busting mystery

What do ghost with green bums, a hundred-year-old skeleton, two senior citizen detectives and a dog that belches and farts at the same time have in common? This book is hilarious, quirky and has ghosts with green bums (can’t stop mentioning this!). They even twerk as they please.

Read my review here.

Murders and Metaphors by Amanda Flower

murders and metaphors

Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow…

An amazing cozy mystery that involves a bookstore, snow, a tuxedo cat, a magical tree, a crow and ice wine.

Read my review here.

Running From Scissors by T.C. Wescott

running with scissors

A suspenseful mystery about running, murder and scissors. T.C. Wescott has made it to my list of favorite authors. His storytelling skills are marvelous and unique.

Read my review here.

Slay Bells by T.C. Wescott

slay bells

After having made to my list of Books to Read This Christmas, Slay Bells has also made its way into my Best Cozy Mysteries of 2018! Like I mentioned before, Wescott’s writing is superb. Trust me, this book has a lot of secrets, especially when it comes to Maribel Claus. Maribel surpasses Holmes and Poirot when it comes to the art of deduction and using the grey cells.

Read my review here.

`Twas The Knife Before Christmas by Jacqueline Frost

'twas the knife before christmas

`Tis the season to be jolly but when a dead body is found in a larger-than-life-sized bowl filled with peppermints, the whole town is in shock! Frost’s story telling skills is superb and the story keeps you hooked on till the end. This book’s also made into my list of Best Books to read This Christmas.

Read my review here.

Death and Daisies by Amanda Flower

death and daisies

Another masterpiece by master storyteller, Death and Daisies is a story that involves a magical garden, a murder and romance. The story has a bit of action-packed-series-like ending.

Read my review here.

For those who have missed the first two posts in Best Books of 2018 :

Best Books of 2018: Thriller, Crime, and Mystery

Best Books of 2018: Fiction and Humor

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