10 Most Anticipated Books of October 2023

How is it October already? Didn’t we celebrate New Year 2023 like yesterday? It certainly feels like it!

Seems like Christmas has arrived early. One of my favorite publishers, Crooked Lane, has a lot of Christmas Cozies lined up for this month. Fa la la la la la la la la.

Also, anticipated second installments and series debut galore! Let’s have a look at my 10 most anticipated books of October 2023.

Murder by the Seashore by Samara Yew & Caught on the Book by Laura Gail Black

Murder by the Seashore is the first book in Samara Yew’s California Bookshop Mysteries. Caught on the Book is the fourth book in Laura Gail Black’s Antique Bookshop Mysteries.

In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones & Stalking Around the Christmas Tree by Jacqueline Frost

In the Wick of Time is the second book in Valona Jones’ Magic Candle Shop Mysteries.

Stalking Around the Christmas Tree is the fourth book in Jacqueline Frost’s Christmas Tree Farm Mysteries.

Deadly Tides by Mary Keliikoa & A Lonesome Blood-red Sun by David Putnam

Having read the first installments of both series last year, these second installments have made it to my list of Most Anticipated Books of October 2023. I have read other series written by these authors and I cannot wait to read these brand-new, fresh off the press second installments.

The Man Who Didn’t Burn by Ian Moore and The Body in Seven Dials by H L Marsay

Helen Marsay needs no introduction on my blog. I have followed her work from the start of her writing career and when she announced a brand-new historical mystery series, I knew I had to read it.

The Man Who Didn’t Burn is a brand-new historical mystery series by Ian Moore. Having enjoyed his cozy mystery series, I am eagerly looking forward to read this historical series debut.

A Nutcracker Nightmare by Christina Romeril & The Blue Monsoon by Damyanti Biswas

Two favorite authors, two favorite series, and second installments in the series. Do I need to say more? 🙂

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7 thoughts on “10 Most Anticipated Books of October 2023

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      1. I know her through blogadda. Read her debut novel three years ago. This one’s a new series set in Mumbai.

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