About The Book Decoder

Hello, I am Rekha and welcome to The Book Decoder.

Growing up as the only child of working parents, my weekends and vacations were immersed in the world of books, starting from comics and children’s magazines at an age of 4. Although I began reading early on, it wasn’t until I turned 19 that I delved into my first full-length novel. Any guesses as to which novel it was?

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie.

Detective fiction, especially British Mysteries, has always held a special place in my heart. However, upon discovering cozy mysteries via book blogosphere, I found a delightful sub-genre featuring less gore, a touch of romance, amateur sleuthing, and a whole lot of fun.

Beyond detective fiction and amateur sleuths, my reading tastes span spy thrillers, action-adventures, medical thrillers, and domestic/psychological thrillers. A ‘thrilling’ taste in books, if you will. 😉

I launched The Book Decoder on May 31, 2018, as a platform to share my thoughts on the books I read, discover new ones, and connect with fellow book enthusiasts.

Born under the Aries zodiac sign, I embrace multiple talents, earning me the title of Jacqueline of all trades. Painting, gardening (with a focus on veggies and flowers in my terrace garden), and a love for cooking are just a few of my interests. As a self-proclaimed cat butler to four feline companions, I can vouch for the full-time commitment that role entails.

While not immersed in books (or cat hair!), I am captivated by Science Fiction TV shows, particularly Star Trek and Doctor Who. I have binge watched almost all the Star Trek series and consider myself to be a true Trekkie. My fondness for non-human characters, especially Vulcan, is unmistakeable.

Apart from my Star Trek obsession, I also indulge in detective and crime TV shows, foreign language movies (with a preference for audio in original language and subtitles in English), and a bit of Spanish language learning for its vibrant and personality-rich nature. I also speak several Indian languages including Konkani, Kannada, and Hindi.

Regarding my reading preferences, I receive Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) from authors and publishers through platforms like NetGalley and Edelweiss+. I also explore books from Kindle Unlimited, secondhand bookstores, and receive paperbacks as thoughtful gifts.

I maintain a selective approach to books, rarely rating them below 2 stars. While I enjoy sci-fi TV shows and movies, I tend to steer clear of fantasy, horror, and sci-fi genres in books—an ironic quirk in my reading preferences.

Thank you for joining me on this literary journey at The Book Decoder!

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