Book Review: Vengeance is Mine by Michael Wood

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Title: Vengeance is Mine

Author: Michael Wood

Published on: 29 June 2024

Genre: Mystery & Thrillers

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Michael Wood, renowned author of the DCI Matilda Darke Mysteries, returns with a gripping standalone thriller, Vengeance is Mine.

Twenty years ago, thirteen-year-old Stephanie went missing on her birthday. Her dismembered body was discovered in a man’s attic a week later. The man was subsequently arrested and sentenced to twenty-five years in prison.

Dawn Shephard, the daughter of a single mother, grew up believing she was conceived during a one-night stand, with her father absent from her life. Now a successful paralegal, Dawn’s world is upended when she receives a call from the police station. Her mother, a lifelong teetotaler, has been found drunk and breaking into her own florist shop.

When questioned, her mother reveals a shocking truth: Stephanie’s killer is about to be released, and he is Dawn’s father. This revelation strains their relationship, prompting Dawn to delve into her father’s past, uncovering chilling secrets.


Having read Michael Wood’s DCI Darke Mysteries and his previous standalone novel released in 2023, I eagerly anticipated Vengeance is Mine.

The narrative is divided into two parts. The first part chronicles Dawn’s discovery of her father’s identity and ends with his release from prison. The second part takes place a year later, exploring how Dawn and the other characters move forward after the murderer’s release.

While the first part lays a solid foundation, the second part feels shorter—perhaps it was so engrossing that I didn’t realize how quickly I read through it! This section leaves readers with a moral dilemma: How far would one go to seek justice? And, if justice seems elusive, how far would one defy the law to achieve it?

I loved the story. The first part kept me on edge, eagerly anticipating Dawn’s every move. The second part left me pondering what went wrong. The murderer had always proclaimed his innocence; how would this unfold after his release? Would Dawn prove his innocence, or would she uncover something more sinister?

Despite my overall enjoyment, I found the conclusion somewhat unsatisfying. This dissatisfaction stems not from the story’s resolution but from the ethical questions it raises – was this truly justice? Each reader must decide for themselves. Personally, I found the ending less gratifying than expected.

This book was written twenty years ago, and I assume it was Michael’s first attempt at a novel, only now seeing publication. If it had been released as his debut, I would have rated it five stars, considering it an exceptional start for a budding author. However, having read Wood’s subsequent works and with high expectations set by his exceptional writing, I rate Vengeance is Mine four stars.

I received an ARC from One More Chapter and NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.

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