Book Review: Eliza Mace by Sarah Burton and Jem Poster

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Title: Eliza Mace (An Eliza Mace Mystery #1)

Authors: Sarah Burton, Jem Poster

Published on: 07 March 2024

Genre: Mystery & Thrillers | Historical

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Eliza Mace is the first in a thrilling new Victorian detective series by Sarah Burton and Jem Poster. Eliza Mace, on the cusp of adulthood, is battling for her independence. Stuck in a crumbling manor house in the Welsh borders in the 1870s, she is thwarted by powers that conspire to protect, control and deceive her. But when her father goes missing in mysterious circumstances, Eliza’s determination to uncover the truth is unstoppable.

Joining forces with the charismatic new police constable, Dafydd Pritchard, she sets out to solve the case, but that’s no easy task. Her father has run up debts in town and beyond, and there are many who bear him a grudge. As she searches for evidence, Eliza exposes dark secrets that threaten to tear her world apart.


Move over Enola Holmes, there’s a new juvenile sleuth in town! Eliza Mace bursts onto the scene with an absolutely captivating Victorian detective series that had me glued to my Kindle, eagerly turning virtual pages until the very end.

In this first installment, readers are treated not only to Eliza Mace’s budding sleuthing skills but also to a rich tapestry of her home life and family dynamics. From the whispers of gossiping servants to the weight of her father’s debts and her mother’s struggles in a failing marriage, Eliza’s teenage years are anything but ordinary.

It’s only after the initial 30% of the story that the mystery truly unfolds. This section serves as a thorough introduction to the series and its characters, meticulously laying the groundwork for the ensuing drama. Then, during a rain storm that spans through the night, Eliza’s father walks out of the house after (yet another!) argument with his wife. But this time, he does not return.

The local constabulary is told of his disapperance. Eliza is the only one who adores her father. While her older sister acknowledges their father’s shortcomings as a patriarch, content in her own marriage, their mother is weary of his fruitless schemes that only deepen the family’s financial woes. Additionally, Uncle James’s revelation of his brother’s betrayal further complicates the family dynamics, leading to a notable absence of concern when Robert fails to return home.


Two distinct suspects emerge: the first, a disgruntled employee dismissed for his advanced age, and the second, another worker whose inappropriate advances towards Eliza led to his dismissal. The latter was last spotted engaging in a heated argument with Robert at the local pub.

As the plot thickens, Eliza finds herself assisting the young constable Pritchard in the search for her father, much to her mother’s chagrin, who suspects Pritchard of harboring romantic intentions towards Eliza. Despite repeated admonishments from her mother and uncle, Eliza persists in aiding Pritchard’s investigation. Then, during one of her walks through the woods, Eliza stumbles upon her father’s lifeless body.

The narrative paints a poignant portrait of a young girl who holds her father in high regard, despite his frequent absence and failure to provide for the family. When he goes missing, Eliza emerges as the sole advocate for his well-being, undeterred by rumors and gossip swirling around her. With unwavering determination, she resolves to uncover the truth behind her father’s disappearance, bravely confronting the dark secrets lurking within her family.

The storytelling is nothing short of enchanting. As I was reading through, it felt like a movie playing in my head. With every turn of the page, I found myself immersed in the richly detailed world of Eliza Mace, eagerly envisioning its potential as a captivating TV or movie adaptation.

For enthusiasts of juvenile mysteries set against the backdrop of the Victorian era, Eliza Mace comes highly recommended. Sarah Burton and Jem Poster have crafted a spellbinding tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

I received an ARC from Duckworth Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.

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