Book Review: Trans-Mongolian Express by David L. Robbins

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Title: Trans-Mongolian Express

Author: David L. Robbins

Published on: 17 January 2024

Genre: Mystery & Thrillers

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Get ready for an intense and action-packed adventure that takes you from Beijing to Ulaanbaatar to Moscow to Pripyat. Trans-Mongolian Express by David L. Robbins is a cold-war era thriller written around one of the worst nuclear disasters in the history of mankind, Chernobyl.

Dr. Lara Dill, a former police officer turned radiation scientist, possesses Russian heritage but holds American citizenship. Compelled to flee the embassy in Moscow, Lara unveils a perilous nuclear pact between the Russian Mafia and the Afghans. Four years later, she and her colleague, Bjorn, a Swede, are tasked with investigating the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

Despite the USSR’s insistence that residents in neighboring cities and countries are not in danger, Sweden, Poland, and subsequently Japan, report instances of radioactive rain. Due to Lara’s prior conflict with the Russian Mafia, setting foot on Russian soil poses a deadly threat. However, as global concerns escalate, the Russian Mafia strikes a deal with the US government. This agreement permits Lara to visit Russia solely for the purpose of gathering radioactive soil and documenting her findings.


Lara is set to board the Trans-Mongolian Express, a week-long journey from Beijing to Moscow. Passengers on this route are treated to breath-taking views of iconic landmarks such as the Great Wall, the vast Gobi Desert, and the mesmerizing Lake Baikal.

Simultaneously, four years prior to the Chernobyl catastrophe, Anton Epstein, a nuclear scientist, had raised concerns about the flaws in RBMK reactors. Fearing reprisals from the KGB, his colleague advised him to seek refuge in Beijing. Now, four years later, as news of the nuclear disaster reverberates globally, Anton undertakes a journey back to Russia. This time, his mission is to hold the authorities accountable for disregarding his warnings years ago.

In addition to Lara, Bjorn, and Anton, the second-class compartment hosts other occupants such as Timur, a Chechen miner with aspirations to assist in digging a tunnel beneath the exposed reactor. Sinjin, a British embassy diplomat, rounds out the diverse group, enjoying a vacation amidst the unfolding events. Gang, a member of the underworld sent to protect Lara from the Russian mafia.

The Trans-Mongolian Express takes both the characters in the story and the readers on an intense and suspense-filled journey through three countries, offering panoramic views of picturesque landscapes. As tension rises concerning the nuclear disaster and its long-term effects, a deadly mission unfolds, adding layers of intrigue to the narrative.


The narrative was engaging and immersive, reading like a captivating movie from start to finish. The storytelling is intricate and layered, emphasizing character building, scene setting, and suspense. A deadly cat-and-mouse game ensues after a murder, keeping guessing for more. While the killer’s identity is known to the reader, the Mongolian Chief Inspector faces a race against time to solve the case before the train reaches Moscow, intensifying the tension amid the looming nuclear disaster.

My fervent wish is for this book to be considered for a TV or movie adaptation, given its masterfully written story, captivating scenes, and eloquently described characters. If you have a penchant for thrillers set in the Cold War era and those unfolding on railroads, Trans-Mongolian Express by David L. Robbins comes highly recommended.

I received an ARC from The Book Whisperers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.

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