Book Review: The Bucharest Legacy by William Maz

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Title: The Bucharest Legacy: The Rise of the Oligarchs

Author: William Maz

Published on: 20 June 2023

Genre: Mystery & Thrillers | Spy Thriller

Buy on Amazon(global): Kindle | Hardcover | Audiobook

Buy on Amazon(India): Kindle | Hardcover

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Bucharest Legacy is the second book in William Maz’s Bill Hefflin Spy Thriller series.

It’s been four years since the revolution in Bucharest. Bill Hefflin has left the CIA and is now married to his childhood sweetheart Catherine. He’s requested by his former employer to go on one last mission: a simple extraction mission. An ex-KGB officer wants to defect and Bill must go to Bucharest to bring him in. The mission is compromised but somehow Bill and the defector make it back safe to the US.

Then comes another explosive revelation. The defector claims there’s a KG mole inside the CIA. The mole’s handler is a KGB agent known as Boris. Bill Hefflin recognizes that name – Boris was the code name for Bill’s KGB asset. Boris was not only an informant but also Bill’s father’s friend.

Bill Hefflin is now on the firing line as he was Boris’ handler. To prove his innocence, Bill is given one chance – return to his city of birth, Bucharest, and find Boris. It isn’t as easy as it sounds… Boris died a year ago and Bill took charge of his last rites.

I was hooked on to the story from start to finish and couldn’t put it down until the end. The Bucharest Legacy is a new favorite in the series. I absolutely LOVED every bit of this explosive, fantabulous and totally engrossing spy thriller.

By the way, Jack Ryan, if you are reading this post then take this as a reminder to step aside coz Bill Hefflin is here to steal your spotlight, baby!

Hefflin is sure to give Ryan a run for his money… and fame. Bye, Ryan. Hello Hefflin!

The story begins with Hefflin at Bucharest for one last mission with the CIA. He’s retired and now lives with his wife and son. It was a simple extraction mission and Bill readily agreed to it. Things went sideways and their location was compromised. But Bill is experienced in spy craft so a blip in the plan is no biggie. Then comes a shocker. The defector whom Bill extracted from Bucharest claims there’s a KGB mole in the CIA.

The name Boris rings throughout the agency – both in US and in Bucharest where the new government is blossoming. Well, blossoming might not be the exact word to describe the government as it’s the same old corrupt politicians minus their ruler. Corruptions galore while crooked politicians, spies and money-hungry oligarchs – all want a piece of Boris.

Bill returns to Bucharest – he has one chance to prove his innocence. From being shadowed to seduced by a beautiful woman to fake get-ups to ghosts from the past, Bill has to cross one hurdle after the other.

As I started reading this book, it was like a movie playing in my head. Speaking of which, did I miss the memo saying this series has been picked up for TV series/Movie rights? This is truly one of the best spy thriller series I have ever read and fingers crossed that they make this into a TV or Movie series (or both) soon. Like ‘ASAP’ soon!

Excellent storytelling. Well-researched and good grasp of historical events and spy craft. This is not your usual action and adventure story; we also have a continuing side story (from previous installment) of Bill’s past – from childhood to friends and family.

There are two recurring characters who deserve a mention here. Boris, of course, and Tanti Bobo. The former was Bill’s informant and family friend while the later, was like a second mother to Bill (in his childhood.) We also have a flashback – something to do with Bill’s childhood days.

Reading this book was a wholesome experience. From characterization to twists to suspense, I was spellbound. Though a part of series, this book can be read as a standalone. But I suggest you read the first book too; you don’t want to miss out on all the fun, do you?

The Bucharest Legacy by William Maz is a mind-blowing, spell-binding, engrossing, captivating, edge-of-your-seat spy thriller. Highly recommended!

I received an ARC from Oceanview Publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.

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