Book Review: The Stepson by Diane Saxon

It’s my stop today on the blog tour for The Stepson by Diane Saxon. Many thanks to Rachel from Rachel’s Random Resources for the tour invite.

Title: The Stepson

Author: Diane Saxon

Published on: 19 June 2023

Genre: Mystery & Thrillers

Buy on Amazon: Kindle | Audiobook

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Lorraine, a single mother of two, receives a frantic phone call from her mum at 3 in the morning. Her mum, Sandra, says he’s back, and Lorraine and her children are his next targets.

“Your dad was first. Now it’s me. I’m so scared, but mostly for you and the children. Because once I’m gone, you’ll be next. “

Lorraine cannot leave her kids alone and rush to her mum’s place. Also, she feels this might be one of her mum’s episodes – which she seems to be having in plenty since her dad’s death.

The next morning, after dropping her oldest child to school, she goes to her mum’s place. But her mum’s not there. She goes to the police station to report but they ask her to wait for a couple of days as her mum must have gone off on her own accord.

One by one, like dominoes, family secrets begin to tumble from the closet – Lorraine is shocked at all the lies and secrets of her family. She was their only daughter and yet, they chose not to tell her of their dark past.

There are multiple PoVs here: Trevor’s side of the story – from losing his mum to having a tough time with his dad and stepmother to foster homes and adult life. Sandra’s (Lorraine’s mum) side of the story is all about her stubbornness, her grief, and wanting her husband to avoid his own son (Sandra’s stepson.)

Lorraine’s side of the story is about the search for her mum, learning family secrets from those close to her parents, and struggling with raising two kids on her own.

The story starts on a gripping note and the suspense is maintained until the end. The Stepson by Diane Saxon is a gripping domestic thriller with a dash of creepiness. The mystery behind family secrets and Sandra’s sudden disappearance kept me guessing till the end. The flashbacks scenes are heart-wrenching, and one cannot help but feel sad for those who were involved in the tragedy – even the ‘so-called’ bad guys.

The ‘stepson’ is a villainous character, or at least Sandra thinks so. Sandra is no saint either. I didn’t like her. Maybe, she was right all along, maybe her motherly instincts knew better. But she ill-treated a young boy and left him to fend for himself. So, it obvious that he would come back one day to exact revenge.

Lorraine was doing pretty well until she wasn’t. I was quite annoyed when, almost at the end of the story, she trusted someone whom she hardly knew. She was given the gist of her parents’ past and yet she chose to ignore the warning signs.

Don’t get me wrong when I say I like negative characters in a story. So, when certain characters’ true nature was revealed, I was expecting a twisty, mind-blowing ending. It’s twisty, all right. But it felt a tad rushed.

Overall, this was an engrossing and interesting domestic thriller. Kept me hooked from start to finish. I am looking forward to reading more of Diane Saxon’s novels as I really loved her storytelling.

4 thoughts on “Book Review: The Stepson by Diane Saxon

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  1. “The Stepson” by Diane Saxon sounds like an intriguing domestic thriller filled with suspense and family secrets. The complex dynamics between the characters, especially Lorraine, Sandra, and the stepson, add an extra layer of intensity to the story. I’m curious to know how the author explores the themes of trust and betrayal within this family. Did you find yourself sympathizing with any particular character, despite their flaws? And how do you feel about the ending? Would you have preferred a slower pace to unravel the twists or did the rushed conclusion work well for the story?

    1. Themes of trust and betrayal were thorough. Lorraine is in for a lot of surprises. I cannot give away spoilers here. But I did feel sad for Lorraine. She had no idea her parents hid about their dark past. She suffered for no fault of hers.

      I am not quite happy with how forgiving Lorraine was, but then, when it comes to family dynamics – each to their own.

      I would have preferred a slower pace at the end.

      Are you planning to read this book? I am curious to know what kind of thrillers you prefer.

  2. The exploration of trust and betrayal in this book seems intriguing. It’s always fascinating when characters discover hidden secrets about their families. Without giving away spoilers, I’m curious to know what surprised you the most about Lorraine’s parents’ dark past. As for the pace, do you generally prefer fast-paced thrillers or slower, more atmospheric ones?

    1. What surprised me the most about Lorraine’s parents’ past? The stepson. He was just a child when he moved in with her parents (Lorraine and he share a dad). He was treated badly and then sent away like he never mattered to his dad.

      I am a moody reader. I like both – fast paced as well as atmospheric ones. How about you?

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